The Divorce Phase

When you’re a child, I’m not sure that the phases of life are that obvious.  It was around my 20’s that I started to see them.

First came the engagement announcements and in 5 years, all of my friends were married.

Then there were baby announcements as my friends grew into families.

The early family phase years are hard. You have new adjustments from couplehood into familyhood. You have less sleep, less time alone, less time as a couple.  Some couples didn’t fare well during this time period, but it was not the norm amongst my peer group.  The 50% divorce rate just wasn’t seen around me.

Until it was.

As I’m in my early 40’s, It’s clearly obvious that now I’m in the divorce period.  These are mostly marriages almost hitting their 20 years mark. You know, maybe the point at which you think you’re safe with your partner for life. I’m hearing of a divorce about 1x a month.

I’ve learned that no relationship is a guarantee.  Those happy, secure couples in their 30’s? Look around. 50% will dissolve.

It makes me think. Why at this point are so many marriages falling apart?

Sure, some of the marriages were the cliché “Husband found a younger woman, co-worker, secretary, hooker” syndrome.

But not all.  I quite admire the couples who can just decide it’s not working and move on to the unknown.

I guess I just didn’t realize that this is a phase in life.  This phase has stirred up feelings of insecurity, sadness, and brings with it a transition of emotions and support.

I have no idea why I’m writing this.

I hope to have a lifelong marriage filled with love, support and laughter. Hell, that IS what I signed up for and anyone who knows my husband knows I picked good. REAL GOOD, you guys. At the core of who he is, is exactly aligned with who I would choose again. And we are so great together.

So for this phase, I choose us.  Forever.