Locker Decorating is a Thing.

Going to Jr high is a big transition for a kid. There’s the fear of forgetting your locker combination.  Fear of being late to class since you switch every period.  The fear of changing in front of others for gym class.  Or the fear of your locker not being blinged out enough to fit in.

Wait. What?

We went to pick up our supplies at the school (#TeamSupplyKitForLife) and got our first glimpse of the little space that would hold his academic life for the next 3 years.

It was pretty standard.


I had heard about locker shelves and had contacted the person who made them as a side job, but I never heard back.  “Meh, we’ll live without them” I thought.

The next day when we went to “walk the schedule” I noticed people setting up their lockers. There were kids walking in with locker shelves that were painted and personalized.  Looking at the space, I realized that the shelves were probably a really good idea, otherwise it’s all going to pile to the bottom, and in my sons case, that would take about 4 days.

Other people went in a more elaborate direction to decorate their lockers and used wrapping paper to line the walls, lights, carpets, and chandeliers.

Yes, I said chandeliers.

I decided to get my rear in gear, make some shelves, and personalize his space.

Locker decorating for Boys

I made the shelves out of MDF board, used spray paint, skull cutout stickers, added a few things from the office store and then finished it off with # magnets of sayings that my son came up with.

The magnets were made with printable magnet paper that I happened to have.

I know “happened to have” annoys me to.

As I was putting it together I realize this is a transition for both of us. He’s growing up, becoming more independent, and learning to walk on his own.


For now, I’m still close behind.


Updated 7/15

The following are for the large lockers that are 12″ across.


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