What having a bipolar parent taught me

I’ve only written about it once and it’s my most read post. The views are mostly the result of internet searches on the subject. I am not a mental illness blogger by any means and yet they land on my site using search terms such as:

“If I’m bipolar is my child”

“Does my bipolar father hate me”

“Living with bipolar mother”

Every single day since June 2012, these searches come in. Questions in the form of emotional bricks carried in search of information, comfort, and healing.

There is a general pattern in the questions until I read this one:

“What did having a bipolar parent teach you”

I never thought of it in that way. Until I did, and it’s taken me over a year to write this.

As a young child, having a bipolar parent taught me to feel insecure. This resulted from unknowing the emotional parameters I would wake to. It could be a day of general stability. It could also be a day of unpredictability, irrational behavior, or verbal abuse.  My parent’s emotions varied widely and the variables needed to produce positive emotional outputs were unknown to me.

I woke up and the day could lead anywhere. It could bring shopping and ice cream. It could also bring the contents of my bedroom being thrown out the window from the second floor as I get off the bus from school. It could end in another extended hospital stay.

Growing into my “tween years” having a bipolar parent taught me anger and detachment. Why didn’t I have parents present in my life?  Why were their actions so out of the norm from what I saw around me? Why did I always feel like the enemy?  These were questions without answers. As I grew, I started to piece the answers together myself. I started to comprehend the verbal abuse and language used towards me. There was a pivotal point at this time in my life which I was able to examine the environment around me and know that I was the only one looking out for me. I was it. If I was going to make it through this, I had to mentally detach from the unstable and chaotic environment. I was 10.

The anger from my teen years stayed with me through my young adulthood but I felt more in control of my life due to detaching at a young age.  I had friends, I made life plans, and I was going to make it. Dammit.

As an adult, having a bipolar parent taught me longing, sadness, and acceptance.  Though I hadn’t lost a parent to death, I was sad that the relationship will never be what I wanted. Getting married, having children, bonding over common adult experiences was not going to be my reality. I grieved the relationship that was never to be had.

Eventually the mental illness would progress to the point where the only choice left was acceptance. This is how it is. I’ve grown to know people who are mentally ill are not in control of most of their brain process. They do not choose to be that way. They carry their own emotional bricks without the foundation of knowing how to process them.

And that’s what I’ve learned.


Based on responses I have received, I have decided to write more about growing up with a bipolar parent here. 

I am the Product of a Bipolar Parent

Once in a while I come across a post, status, or tweet that makes me stop cold.

It’s like I’m reading it as my 9 year old self.




Sometimes the writing makes me feel helpless.  Sometimes it makes me feel sad.  Sometimes I am able to be present and just want to reach out and hug that person.

It’s ok.

Someone is listening.

Someone is here for you.

Often, these people are moms.

I am too familiar with the above diseases.  My own mom is on the more severe end of bipolar.  Her life has been filled with marriages (3), divorces (3), in patient psychotic stays, many half way houses, and 2 rounds of electro shock therapy years apart, all types of therapies, and all the drugs in the world.   She has been diagnosed with bipolar, multiple personalities, anxiety disorders, and just about every other mental condition.

I read that list and know that by having a parent with these serious mental shifts has affected me.  Molded me.  Taught me to behave a certain way.

I am fiercely independent, have a desire for control over just about everything, competitive, and am very doubtful and mistrusting of others.

Oh, and I have a hell of a sarcastic streak.

Would I still be these characteristics if I didn’t have such an upbringing?

I often wonder if my own mom was scared that her children would inherit her mental illness.   Did these thoughts cause her to become unattached to me or was that just part of her illness as well.

As an adult, I have many questions.  Questions that will probably never be answered.    Questions that I will take with me to my death.

And then I see these mom’s online with their children.  Do those children have questions?

Why is mom in bed this month?

Why did mom leave in the middle of the night again?

Why does mom cry so much?

Why does mom go to the hospital so much?

Why doesn’t my mom give me hugs or tell me she loves me?

Did I ever make my mom proud?

I want to tell those moms that no matter what, don’t hide.  Be open.  If you can’t explain what is going on, find someone who can.  Find the thing that makes your kids laugh, do that often.  If you have to leave, tell them.  Hug your children.  Tell your children you love them even if you don’t feel it because some questions shouldn’t have to be taken to the grave.


I want to mention that as I sat down to write this I stuck in my headphones.  I always have to write with headphones.  It helps my chaotic brain focus.  I know.  Makes no sense.  Focus with more stimulus?  Yes.  Anyways, I must have left Pandora on from earlier and as I put them on the song “Fu*king Perfect” is on by Pink.   A sign?  I think so.

Follow up post:  What having a bipolar parent taught me_________

Growing up with a broken parent: Based on the responses I have received I have decided to write more about this topic here