Crafting with Boobs

A few weeks ago I went to a newly opened Jockey store in the suburbs.

As I walked in I immediately noticed these and said loudly

“LOOK!  It’s like Select-A-Boob!”

Select A Boob

I was sort of transfixed on these cups of various sizes and this whole new way of fitting a bra.

Especially if this new way meant I didn’t have another woman who might be, I don’t know, younger and perkier to fit me.

Fast forward to a conference I went to this past weekend where every attendee received a set of these in their bag.




Now has her own Select-A-Boob system!

We all know that most of us are A)  Wearing the wrong size bra and B) Wearing the wrong size bra because we don’t want another woman who might be younger and perkier dealing with the aftermath of having children that is our boobs.

So imagine my surprise when I saw that most of the select a boobs were being left behind!

Did they not know what they were for?

Could they already be wearing the right sized bras?

Did they just not know how handy they would come in hand for snack time?

dip and snacks


To just stick a succulent in it?

Stick a succulent in it


Maybe you have a new mom friend.

This is your chance for some real talk.

Boob Reality

Maybe that mom plans on Breastfeeding.

 “Breast is Best”

Make her a Boob Mobile!

Make her a Boob Mobile!



I actually wish I had more!  I could make little Halloween Boob Ghosts!  Or maybe a light fixture like those mason jar ones?  How about using them as my kitchen back splash…….


If you want to read what they’re really for, then read this.

Do I even have to say that this is in no way a sponsored post?  I fully expect the Jockey people to contact me to take it down at any moment…..OR ask me to do a DIY segment on their site, because obviously I’m a DIYBoobs sort of person