Remember when I was sent a box of craft goods from Martha Stewart and I made those Halloween frames? That was for a contest. I didn’t mention it at the time because I wasn’t entirely clear on all the details and in the end, I didn’t win.
It was fine. I liked my craft and thought I used a wide range of items to create custom frames that Martha Stewart ended up pinning on her Pinterest board.
And? I still have a box of Martha Stewart crafts.
I think if you add all that up, I still won.
After a few weeks, I was contacted to review Martha Stewart items (through Avery) that were coming out. One was a calendar line and the other a holiday wrapping line.
Let’s think about that. Me, reviewing Martha Stewart products.
Now, if I’m going to be completely honest, I actually wrote back and turned down the calendar option. That’s right. Turned down. I have about 5 calendar “systems” in place at any one time and I just don’t think I’m the best person to review calendars. My current system is like this:
Wake up. Get kids ready for school, grab keys to leave, OMG TODAY IS PICTURE DAY let’s comb your hair, change your shirt and wipe the syrup face while we walk to the car!
But then she wrote back and said “Don’t you need one for your collection?”
And there’s my Achilles heel people.
Yes. Yes I do need one of Martha Stewarts calendars for my collection.
Then I was told that Martha Stewart herself would see these reviews. This is my first product review and Martha Stewart might see it? Is this for real?
I think we know my only choice was to video review it.
You can find a coupon to buy these products HERE.
See the whole Avery line HERE.
The one thing I would like to see would be the ability to personalize the covers. Like, some way to change out the cover with a slip-on of a different design, or a photo sleeve. Am I the only one who gets bored of looking at the same thing for a year?
As much as I really like these calendars, I have a hard time using one let alone four.
Or maybe they knew how disorganized I am so they loaded me up.
Anyways, since they were generous in giving me many, I’m giving them away.
Leave me a comment with which one you like and if you get picked, I’ll mail it to you.
Please, let me help you get organized in 2013. I’ll just be over here under this stack of papers.
P.S. Of course I will be saving one for my ever growing shrine, I mean collection
P.P.P.S Did you know that I used to have my own custom gift wrapping business? Oh, I so did and can not wait to get my hand on that product. You come back for that.
I was not paid for any of these words, links, OR my unedited made with a head cold video. I was sent these calendars in exchange for a review from a company working with Avery. They didn’t tell me how to review them but I think we can agree the video adds a little something to the whole topic. And if you really had any doubt, all written and video opinions are my own. Finally, they didn’t ask me to do a giveaway. That was my idea. And I’m paying for shipping on my own because I’m generous and I care about your calendar needs.
This is so very cool and exciting. How could she not fall in love with you? I can see her keeping you around for her “private joy,” you know? You are charming and will appeal to that little “dark” side she shows every now and then.
High five, soooper cool, HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ha…one that fills its own dates and then reminds me what to do before it needs done…got one of those? LOL! Usually a little smaller is better for me so it can go in the diaper bag. I’m not picky!
LOVE the spiral bound one and the pretty pink one!
I love paper planners! my favorite is the spiral bound one.
I love the design, too. Nothing like a pretty calendar!! I wonder what your next step will be on this journey with Martha. Perhaps she’ll invite you to Connecticut for dinner.
I am a total dork and I am in love with all of her Avery products! They are ALL I USE for my home office and business. Since I don’t have a 2013 calendar yet, I would LOVEZ one of these! If not I am just going to end up buying one anyway, and of course risking my husband killing me. LOL
They are all awesome. Paper planners are it for me. In like the blue color though. I might have to actually hit up the store and get one for next year”
I read this in my google reader and got chills. CHILLS! I am so excited for you. I can’t even imagine how cool it must be to Have Martha Stewart pinning your creations. Is there a better endorsement than that? I don’t think so!
I like the black and white spiral one!
I love the spiraly one with its spiraly action!
Aaaaah I need calendars, all the calendars! The top left one, the pink one, is perfection itself. I love August in Barnes & Noble–that’s when the real, grownup, ermehgerd beautiful planners and calendars and organizers start arriving!
I humbly beseech you, help this girl out–a big book I can’t (theoretically) lose would be a lifesaver!
OMG I want the little blue one like WOAH. Also YOU ARE FREAKING ADORABLE.
Martha should give you your own web series on her media empire because I would watch it. And I think I like the pink hardbound one on the top left.
Is the one on the lower right side purse sized? Good googly moogly, there just might be a way for me to stay organized on the go without lugging my 20 lb dayplanner? Thank the sweet baby jesus that I can stop using the post its that ALWAYS get lost in my giant purse, which is of course necessary when you have 3 kids (and all their stuff) that are all going in different directions. Props on getting picked to review some products from “The Martha”!
Calendars. Interesting. So you’re saying there are other tracking systems out there other than scribbling due dates and reminders on the back of old PTA flyers. Huh. Who knew? I’ll give it a try. Which one is most like the back of a PTA flyer? I’ll take that one:)
Trust me. No one was as shocked as me. It actually took me 10 minutes to decipher all these funny numbers in boxes things on the pages. Math is hard.
I would BIG puffy heart love the one in the bottom left corner. :) @omahamom
Spiral bound Damask screams my name! And because I’m Canadian I’ll pay the shipping :)
I am just like you in terms of paper calendars. I do keep reminders on my phone but I like to see a month at a time because we are so busy. I LOVE the 8×10 soft back one. That is what I currently use but I get the cheap ones. I like the tiny at a glance ones but I need more space. fun fun!
Ooh…not sure. Maybe the wirebound? See, I can’t even decide which one I like. I *might* need some help….
Um as much as I love buying calendars, I hardly use them. Maybe this would inspire me to keep it up? I’d love the small teal one, because I love small and teal. Worst comes to worst, I’ll turn it into a scrapbook.
I like all of them. If I win surprise me!!!
I have a feeling that Martha is slowly but surely wooing you… As long as she doesn’t steal you from your twitter loves, I think it’s awesome. Also, planners are the best. I have at least three that are completely not-coordinated so I never quite know what’s planned on any given day unless I open the right one. Keeps me on my toes.
So… Martha follows you, pins you, and you get some of her stuff for free to review. You are awesome and lucky. Good for you! That little “Martha Blue” calendar would be a useful guy.
I used to always have a planner. Ours ran out in like June (why do they even do mid year planners?!) and we’ve been without since. I have no clue what is going on these days. I’m opperating with smoke and mirrors. I’d go for the wirebound planning calendar. Big enough to prop up and display in my kitchen (for reminders) and small enough to bring along when I’m going out.
I am so looking for a 2013 planner! I think I need to walk over to staples right now and check them out. I’m torn between the hardcover pink one or the spiral one. Either would be awesome! Loved the review :)
I totally need the large pink and blue one. I’m usually totally anal about getting new calendars in September but I haven’t gotten a 2013 yet. Love Martha’s stuff.
I would really love the little blue one. Perfect fit for my grandsons diaper bag since I already have so much stuff in there as it is, I don’t think anything bigger would fit. Also ? It was my birthday Monday. I’m now 50. Going a little senile now. H……………..
What was I talking about ?
Oh yeah. How hard it is to keep track of things these days since I’m really old now. That calendar would come in handy.
The other reason ? Grandkids are always playing games on my phone so trying to look at my google calendar when I’m on the road is virtually impossible.
I would be forever grateful if you sent me one so that my old, feeble mind & busy life can be somewhat organized.
Um, you would have storm meat in your car storm kit. duh.
also? I love paper planners. my husband has pretty much forced me onto a digital one. While it is handy when I am making appointments (because it has definitely cut down on having to call back and reschedule when I get home and realize I have double or tripled booked). I may have fist bumped my monitor when you said you love a paper planner.
I like the big ones…it’s like a lesson plan book, but for my life.
I may have control issues.
Really love the big, soft-bound damask cover calendar. You HAVE to give it to me so I can use it for the first 3 months and then completely forget that I actually have a calendar. Because isn’t that how you use notebook calendars? So you have to.
Also? Post-its. <3
Holy Cow, I could really use the large damask one! I am the same way, I constantly force myself to store everything in Google calendar and Outlook but then it’s not very useful because I am very visual and need the whole things laid out. If I don’t win, I may have to go buy one of those. Between all my clients, and throwing parties every other weekend, trying to squeeze in 5K races… I need a better way to manage my time :)
I would LOVE the small damask print one on the right top corner! I use two planners already, plus google calendars…why not add another one to make it an even 4?!?!?
I really like them all, but the two that would work for me are the hardcover pink one and the pretty softcover black and white one.
So fun. I would use any calendar. My current system is my 9 yo putting post-its on my forehead.
My five year old now reminds me of stuff and he can\’t even read. So. I totally get that.
While I have a synced google calendar on my computer, iphone and with my husband’s calendar that is also color-coded, I still use a handwritten calendar for my work calendar. It’s how I stay organized for my writing/blogging and for some reason I need it to be by pen so I’d totally go for the small version of the boring colored one or the soft cover calendar. Congrats on being BFFs with Martha.
OH! I totally forgot that people use blogging/writing calendars. Those organized and post more than I do bloggers.
i really need to organize my calendar better too. i have a big whiteboard calendar that i use but it’s hard to fill it with a lot of item per day. SO, i would definitely like to try the bigger softcover planner.
love this! so much fun! :)
You are my hero. Do you ever watch Two Broke Girls? Martha Stewart complimented one of their cupcakes in a women’s restroom. THAT COULD TOTALLY BE YOU SOMEDAY!!! AHHHHHHH!
I love the bigger one with the black design on it (damask? don’t ask…I am design-challenged).
So you\’re saying I need to bump into her in a bathroom. I can do that.
It certainly can’t hurt. Make sure you just happened to have some sort of Martha-esque product to share with her. I’m sure she’d see the humor. ;)
Martha-esque. I totally just made that up.
I changed my mind. I want the big pink one please. *bats eyelashes*
Loved the video – not sure how you kept a straight face! My mom used to give me her American Express Hard Calendars for Christmas, then she started giving me a smaller version which I really loved. I used them as calendars/journals. Lately I have become more scatterbrained and, like you, don’t do well with the digital calendar on my iPhone. I usually see things a day late. I think the bigger soft cover damask one looks good for me. (hint) PS Kudos on the review. You and MS are going to be best buds, I can just see it.
Oh, how exciting, however, I happen to believe YOU are much more entertaining :) Would love to get my hands on the soft-covered black one. So pretty. Also, I have a bit of a calendar fetish. Not digital. The real deal. Also, pens. Okay, and paper clips. I’m a hot office mess ;)
I can haz calendar?!
Glad the Martha Stewart people are reaching out to you. Shows the kind of savvy you expect from a brand like that.
You crack me up! :D
Love the damask design. Hi Martha!
I still haven’t found a calendar that’s small enough to fit on my cluttered desk. Is there one that is “Cluttered Computer Desk Style”?
Now see, I am not for one surprised, nor will I be surprised when Martha, “The” Martha has you start writing for her and then the inevitable book deal which I foresaw many moons ago finally manifests itself. Hugs and high-fives to you. You rock. XO Tina.