Storm Meat- The Vlog

So here I am the day before a snownado is going to strike the area.

My first thought is “I need meat, I need storm meat”

Storm Meat is the extra, extra meat you get for the storm.

I even bought family size pork chops for the two of us who eat them.

As the day went on I started to get more irrational in my thinking and purchasing.

I got home to unload and found out that our School has already cancelled an open house for tomorrow evening and put into effect early dismissal for the day tomorrow.

Don’t worry, I have plenty of meat.

24 thoughts on “Storm Meat- The Vlog

  1. Pingback: Wordless Wednesday: snow reading | Angie Kinghorn

  2. Pingback: We Are All Toilet Trained. Almost | Sluiter Nation

  3. For goodness sake. How is it possible you are more adorable on a vlog than Twitter where you are the QUEEN of adorableness?

    I love how dramatic you are.

  4. Pingback: How Sluiter Nation Has a Snow Day « Sluiter Nation

  5. How are you going to cook all that storm meat if the power goes out? At least here in the east, we can have peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with milk!

  6. Now because of this? You are going to force me to vlog tomorrow about our empty-ass fridge because I did NOT stock up on storm meat even though the weather guys here are acting like Michigan never sees snow and tomorrow is going to be some sort of abnormality.

  7. Fact: Daddy went to the grocery store before our last major storm and came home with 2 dozen bagels and a half pound of lox.


    I want to come to your house where you are prepared with new toys and juice! Oh, and apples, which are one of my favorite things…

  8. Believe me when I suggest that it is your East Coast bloggers that get the eggs, milk and bread. I do believe that it goes with the fact of if the power goes out, your storm meat will spoil. I do believe the East Coast crew probably stocks up on enough alcohol for a solid 50 inches of snow that may not be plowable for 2 days.

    Living on Cape Cod this winter has provided us with plenty of rain, unfortunately. I have become deaf to the weathermen because all I have to do is look at the map and see green over the Cape. It's pretty easy to get to the grocery store in the rain with rain boots.

    Good luck with those apples. Hope you don't finish a whole bag in one day because you will be needing more toilet paper!

  9. I'm in Northeast Indiana. I bought two packs of turkey Italian sausage, 4 lbs of pork loin (hello, Meijer was selling it for $1.79/lb), 4 gallons of milk and lots of boxes of crackers.

    Sadly, that's not my storm meat and crackers. That's just the weekly shopping.

    Fun vlog!

  10. If I run out of meat, I'm going to put my snowshoes on and hike over there. I figure the conditions will be PERFECT, and since you live about ten miles from me, it'll only take me about 5 hours to get there. Or twenty, whatever.

  11. An apple a day keeps the doctor away (which you have) but it doesn't stop the storm meat. Storm meat rules all.

    They need to do a new rock paper scissors storm meat. Storm meat beats everything of course. I used to play super smash brothers in high school. Nerdy times but fun times.

    No blizzards for me out in southern california which is almost a shame as that storm meat sounds so much better than regular meat.

  12. So did you make sure you have tylenol? Because you're going to get a headache.

    Also, what the hell is with the eleven pounds of apples? You going on a fruit diet?

    Man, I would feel all prepared and then as the storm started I'd realized I'd forgotten stuff like tampons, pull-ups, dog food, coffee, batteries and the kids' medicines. I'd probably also forget to fill up the car with gas.

    And then all hell would break loose.

    But then again, I don't live anywhere where we have blizzards, so it's all a non issue.

    I'm sure you didn't forget a thing.

  13. Pingback: Tweets that mention Storm Meat- The Vlog — The Martha Project --

  14. Marvi Marti, you must live near me, land of the run on bread, milk, and eggs.

    Storm meat? That's a new one for me. I always worry that if I stock up on stuff like that, the power will go out and everything will spoil. So we end up with storm soup and canned goods.

    And, obviously, bread, milk, and eggs.

    For French toast.

  15. I went to Jewel this morning, also in walking distance to my house, and stocked up. Coincidentally, meat was totally on sale with a bunch of buy one get one free. I don't even have little kids at home. It's my husband, me and a 23 year old son. My staple was wine. A little Pinot Noir makes everything better.

  16. at least there they buy meat. In this area they buy bread, milk and eggs. We figure they make french toast with it. But a winter storm = NO bread, milk or eggs at the store. go figure.

  17. I do LOVE your video logs. I do notice in the background you stocked up on toilet paper and juicy juice. Apparently you plan to be very regular for the 24 hours you might actually want to be inside to watch the 5 inches of snow we're going to get :)

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