So here’s the deal. There are those that are going and those that are not. I get it. I’ve been online when the #HeyI’mHavingFunAndYou’reNot hastags fill my stream and I want to punch them all. I don’t even know why? I mean I should be happy that these women are all getting their geek on together but I never am. So here’s the deal. I’ll bring you with. Now, now before you get all crazy, I’m no rich person. I’ll bring you in form. That form being a 12-15″ cut-out of you.
Here’s also what I’ll do:
–You give me the three people you would want to see there if you WERE going and I’ll do my best to get “you” with them.
–You get to come to all the events that I will be attending which includes:
*The (freaking) Martha Stewart blogger Party
*The People’s Party
* Sparkle Corn
*There will obviously have to be a special hashtag for you.
* And MORE
How can you get in on this?
Leave me a tweet sized comment below and then who ever gets the most “thumbs ups” on their comment wins.
You can vote up to three people.
Winner will be announced on Sunday at 7:00pm.
Hmmm, I think I am really close to winning ::::rolls eyes::::
Victory for @NoStylePoints! Resistance is futile!
Adrienne (@NoStylePoints) has my vote, hands down!
And I have boobs, too.
Not that anyone has asked to see them. Geesh.
There is never a time when I won't be willing to ask to see your boobs. Because I? Am a true friend. And I'd totally go there for you.
You. Aunt Becky. Jessica Bern.
forever and ever, amen.
Ok. now I could totally make this happen. This would be the easiest one yet.
Also, 3. I am new to blogging and could use tips and support and hear from the great ones.
I think I shall just post reasons why @TheNextMartha should take me:
1. I am poor (see, special education teacher)
2. I work with emotionally disturbed children, I need happy things in my life.
Ummm, I'll keep thinking
WHAT IN THE EFFING WHAT WHAT!! If I tell you I'll vlog naked will that get me more votes? "VOTE FOR ME: I'LL VLOG NAKED" #plusirocksockoff
I don't think I'm winning so far, sigh. Sometimes being a newbie does NOT have advantages, wait, does it ever? Vote for me still!!!
Definitely take @NoStylePoints. I mean, I already thumbed up her comment (that kind of sounds dirty, no?) but seriously she needs to go. Mostly because I really want to see a real picture of her. Can this count as an extra vote for her? Please?
You're pretty.
And I agree with Katie, I will beat you both if it's just a picture of that swirly black avatar.
What about me????
Aw dude this is hard. I feel so torn!
Wow – this is tough! But I think it's fun that I get to be a "flat Stanley" for you! I am happy to virtually attend this shabang with you, so whoever you vote to bring is just fine! I think the neighbor gals need to be invited, too!
Uh, @NoStylePoints. DUH.
Unfortunately, I am ineligible from the get go because since discovering your "Fat Project", blogdangerously's #wineparty and Mommy Wants Vodka's blog (3 of my favs btw) , all I do is sit on my butt, read, eat and drink resulting in a substantial increase in body mass which would NEVER fit on a 12-15" cardboard cutout. I don't care how advanced your photoshop skills!! ;)
I need you to take Adrienne of No Points for Style! I thumbs up-ed it, but this is my extra vote. BUT it has to be a REAL picture of her and not her black and white avatar that I always effing get mixed up with Kris' avatar. If she wins and all I get to see are giant cardboard cutouts of a swirly black logo? I will go ape shit.
No, I promise, a real picture! I'll smile. I might even comb my hair!
I'm an idiot. Fuck. It's supposed to be @nostylepoints
I'm not showing my boobs to anyone. No one's done anything awful enough to deserve that. That being said, I would want to see @prettyalltrue @guiltysquid @nopointsforstyle
You want to see me? Man, are you in for BIG disappointment. But I love you for it, I really do.
All right I'll show my boobs, wait what is this about again?
Oh shit! Do we have to show our boobs to do this?! Now I'm all sorts of fucking confused.
Yesss! I'll be there too! BUT I'd LOVE for you to bring @minnesotajo @sendchocolate and @thebloggess! But mainly @minnesotajo because it would be suppppppppppppppppppppppper awesome!
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I vote for Minnesota Jo!
For @Doxees @TheNextMartha @TheBloggess' cleave, @TheLovelyButton's knitting needles, and your RT. My dying wish. Not dying, but someday I will.
I'm pretty much weak in my knees at the thought of the two of you two singing to two-dimensional knees, and Carly Simon, no less.
Swooning now.
You, Me, Flat Adrienne, Carly Simon. It's a date.
Ummmm . . . I am weak when someone offers to show me boobs.
So now? I would like to also vote for My Life in Recipes.
She is way cute.
I am voting that you take Adrienne of @nostylepoints fame, because she has promised to show me her boobs in exchange for this vote.
And that's the only reason.
But it's a good reason.
I voted for Adrienne because I want Kris to be able to see her boobs. And that is the only reason. :)
From: @CoffeeMommyof3 If you take me… I'll let you take a picture of me with my finger up my nose. #yoursitewontletmecomment
damn my nose picking has nothing on boob showing. but I do have large bubbies.
If you take me… I'll let you take a picture of me with my finger up my nose.
Another question, am I getting a vote for each comment I leave? Because I mean, I should!
Picking three is AAAAAAAGH. You, @blogalacart and @VDog and @dooce since you are a gimme anyway. <3
Can you bring MORE than 1 person???
Ahem. As you are my virtual fairy godmother, it's only appropriate that you take ME. I need need need to meet @shannonrosa, @allthingsfadra, and @l8enough.
What??? How unfair! I can't win against people like you, gah!!! :)
I am showing you my pouty lip. Childish? Yes. But I pretty totally dig the idea of going to BlogHer like Flat Stanley.
But STILLLLLLL…. hmph….I'm getting teary eyed, just thought you should know
I'm much better virtually anyway. You have my vote.
Well, I'm a little sad you don't want to meet me, but whatevs. I'll still give you my vote!
I want to meet- you. Martha. and I want to hug the people for allowing me to sit my lazy ass at home and not have to go to the store.
I'd want to see Moshe from Moshe's Falafel cart.
The Director of the MoMA
and Jason Segel (will he be in NYC that weekend?)
oh, is that not what yo meant? F it…I'm still going for votes
Martha Stewart of course!
Jenny the Bloggess
any TV news personality (Hoda Kotb, Kathie Lee, Anderson Cooper, etc)
I voted for you!
Good Luck! From Sarah S!
Good luck!
I'm a freakin chimp that tweets FFS! I'd be the star of the show!
And I'll fling poo at low life entertainment bloggers. it will keep people in blog martial for weeks!
i already have a cardboard cutout for this. i will make sure it is sporting a "The Next Martha" tramp stamp in the script of your choice.
Ooooo, I would want to see @teammandy, @thebloggess, and you! Also, I would have loved to go, but seeing as I'm a special education teacher, my fiance is laid off and I'm getting married in the spring it just wasn't an option.. Also I think you are amazing :)
Oh! And, I commented first! :)
GAH I wasn't first!!!! ::::::sad face:::::::
Wait, so instead of carrying me around figuratively, you're going to carry a figure of me? So basically the THOUGHT of carrying my ass around in your head was so bad you had to come up with a cardboard backup? Well played, NextMartha, well played.