Avoiding the Big GS.

Every year around this time the garage becomes my Halloween workshop.  To make this happen, I have a yearly ritual in which I clean out the garage.   It tends to also be the gardening workshop, the wood workshop, the painting workshop, and doll storage. This year after getting it in pretty good shape, I ended up having some stuff that seemed too good to be thrown to the curb.

I decided to sell it online because I’d do anything to avoid doing the Big GS.

Garage Sale


I listed them on our local “online yard sale.”  It’s a lot like craigslist but more specific to the city I live in.

And then I’ll use the money to buy Halloween stuff!

See how that works?

On the selling list:

An air conditioner- $70

A tricycle- $10

A scooter- $20

Wicker furniture (4 pieces) – $45

6 metal patio chairs with cushions- $50

Within minutes of me listing the items I had messages.

I immediately thought that this was the best thing ever invented!


I start the correspondence and that’s when I started dropping exclamation points from my feelings.

Someone responds about the 6 chairs with the subject line that says

“GREAT Deals!!”

And when I open the message it says- will you take $20 for the chairs?”


I have multiple people interested in the air conditioner. It’s only a few years old and the only reason we’re getting rid of it is because our windows don’t support a window unit that well.  We have central air and this was a unit just for our one son’s room that really heats up in the summer.  It worked and new cost $179.

“Hi, I’m interested in the air conditioner, will you take $60 for it?”

“No. I’ll take $70 because I have 3 others interested” And I did.

“Ok then, when can I come by to get it?”

He shows up and then after plugging it in and it works says “Will you take $65”

::blank stare::

Listen asshole. The price was pre agreed upon. This isn’t make a deal day.

“No, we agreed on $70 and if you don’t want it that’s fine”

He takes it, pays the $70 and I put my torch down.

My stuff is getting some decent looking traffic and I get another message later.

“Hi, I’m interested in the wicker couch, are there any holes?”

Now, I did give the option of buying the pieces separately so that didn’t annoy me.

“No, there are no holes or obvious flaws, if you would like I can email you a few pictures of it closer up.”

I send the pictures and then she replies:

“Can I come by and look at it?”

And this is where I get annoyed.

A)    The loveseat is $15.

B)    I sent you pictures

You want to come here to INSPECT it?

I don’t think so lady but you know what IS worth $15?

You coming here to inspect it and when you get here it’s on fire on my front lawn.

wicker on fire

And then there are the people who say they’re coming to buy something….and then don’t.

What. Is. That.

At least I’m not having a garage sale. Pretty sure I’d have to have a fire truck on standby to put out the stuffed animal roman candle I’d be blowing off into the neighborhood.

I don’t deal well with negotiating down nickels either.